Ministry Training Source [MTS] furthers the vision set forth by Pope Francis in Evangelii Guadium. We believe that pastoral ministry leaders need and deserve New Keys to fully respond to today’s challenges. MTS provides the tools, strategies, and opportunities to grow pastoral ministry leaders theologically, spiritually, pastorally, and practically in the practice of Catholic ministry.
These New Keys reflect Pope Francis’ broad and direct challenge to all pastoral ministry leaders when he asserts:
Pastoral ministry in a missionary key seeks to abandon the complacent attitude that says: “We have always done it this way”. I invite everyone to be bold and creative in this task of rethinking the goals, structures, style and methods of evangelization in their respective communities. A proposal of goals without an adequate communal search for the means of achieving them will inevitably prove illusory. I encourage everyone to apply the guidelines found in this document generously and courageously, without inhibitions or fear. The important thing is to not walk alone, but to rely on each other as brothers and sisters, and especially under the leadership of the bishops, in a wise and realistic pastoral discernment. [EG, 33]
MTS provides New Keys for parish, school, diocesan, and organizational leaders.
Charlotte McCorquodale, Ph.D.
Originally from Lake Charles, Louisiana, Charlotte currently resides in New Orleans, LA. Dr. McCorquodale completed her Masters degree in religious education (MRE) from the University of St. Thomas in Houston, and her PhD from the School of Human Resource Education and Workforce Development at Louisiana State University. Her dissertation title was The Emergence of Lay Ecclesial Youth Ministry as a Profession within the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. Since 2000, she continues researching the fields of youth and young adult ministry, as well as Lay Ecclesial Ministry through various studies.
Charlotte has served the church for over three decades in parish, school, diocesan, and university ministry settings for the past 30 years. Since May of 2000, she has served as President of Ministry Training Source. MTS is a non-profit organization committed to the formation of ministry leaders by providing customized ministry formation solutions using the latest research and technology. Presently, she is an international educator, researcher, and consultant for the fields of lay ecclesial ministry, certification standards and processes, youth ministry, online and eLearning. She has spoken in over 75 dioceses throughout the world since 1995, and she is a regular presenter at LA Religious Education Congress, The National Conference for Catholic Youth Ministry, National Catholic Youth Conference, and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles C3 Technology Conference.
Core Competencies
- Provide clients with custom designed solutions in answer to challenges grounded in needs-based approach including utilizing scientific research methods to determine needs and evaluate program success.
- Facilitate groups with differing perspectives and provide a platform for mutual understanding and collaboration.
- Assist organizations in transition with change management expertise.
- Motivate others to look at new possibilities and respond to their potential.
- Design learning experiences that address all learning styles using a results oriented instructional design model.
- Expertise in a variety of areas/topics including Learning Style Theory, Instructional Design Processes, Applying Systems Thinking Theory, Adult Education Principles, Leadership and Organizational Development Strategies, Technology Integration, Online and E-Learning Strategies and Tools, and Engaging the Millennial Generation.
Joe Weyers, M. Div.
For almost 20 years Joe has dedicated his life to serving the Church and sharing the Gospel with others. A Chicagoan by birth, he and has wife currently reside in Ames, Iowa where they are raising their five children. Joe earned both his Master’s of Divinity and his Master’s of Pastoral Studies from Loyola University Chicago. His thesis, “An Aggiornamento of Communication,” focused on the necessity for parishes to enter the missionary field of social media. His MAPS thesis, “The Importance of Theology in Youth Ministry” has shaped his outlook of ministering not to teach but to accompany, assist, and empower.
While spending most of his career in parish or diocesan ministry, in 2019 Joe began working with Ministry Training Source as a consultant, researcher and communications specialist. His research interests include generational faith differences, catechesis for today’s families, and evangelization in an un-interested world. It won’t take long to realize he is passionate about Pope Francis’ teaching that the Church is to be a field hospital for sinners, and not a museum for saints.
Ministry Training Source Staff
- Charlotte McCorquodale, Ph.D., President and CEO, Ministry Training Source
- Joe Weyers, M. Div., Consultant & Researcher, Ministry Training Source
Ministry Training Source Board
- Vikki Shepp, Chair of the Board of Directors, CEO Orange County Girl Scouts
- Rey Gustamante, Director of Religious Education and Youth Ministry, Joint Base San Antonio
- Kathleen Carver, Director of Development, Saint Luke Institute
- Bruce Baumgarten, Director of Communications, St. Mary’s Seminary & University, and Principal, Magis Innovative
- Patrick Donovan, Director of the Leadership Institute, Diocese of Bridgeport
- Jeannie Bross-Judge, Development Director, Stages Theater Company
- Paul Kotlowski, Director of Youth Ministry, Diocese of Charlotte
- Award for Outstanding Service, NACYML, 2010
- National Catholic Youth Ministry Award for Service to the National Church, NFCYM, 2002
- Member of the National Writing Team for the Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers sponsored by the Alliance for Certification and Accreditation of Lay Ecclesial Ministers, 2008-2012
- Consultant/Advisor to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family, and Youth, 2008-2010
- Member of the Board of Directors for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry, 1991-1997; Served as Chair of the Board of Directors from 1995-1997
- Member of Board of Directors for the United States Catholic Conference Commission for Certification and Accreditation; Accreditation Site-Visitor, 1991-1997