Transitioning from Face-to-Face Models of Learning to Online and Digital Models of Learning
In 2000, MTS was among the first in the church to see online education and eLearning, as a viable solution to address the training needs of ministry leaders. It is not enough to just take content used in a face-to-face setting and put it online or in a digital form and then call it eLearning. The questions of hosting and tracking learning, how to effectively use video, what platforms should I choose so that they all work together, are just a few of the things required of making this move. The transition to online education and digital learning, whether it is individual eLearning, completely online education or part of a blended strategy with F2F learning all require:
- Understanding of how to implement a digital technology and social media strategy, as well as, the applications and options for learning in the digital age.
- Intentional use of proven instructional design methodologies addressing diverse learning styles. With this in mind, MTS applies the 4MAT learning style and instructional design cycle to all its training experiences, both face-to-face and online. MTS consultation includes using instructional design theory, as well as helping organizations assess both the needs of their learners, and which online learning tools will best meet an organization’s resources, including budget and staffing support. We can consult with you to create customized e-learning in a variety of formats.
- Integration of ministry and educational standards into learning, as well as e-Learning and online learning industry standards.
Combining and utilizing all forms of media
As technology evolves, attention spans change, and audience expectations increase, MTS consultants have met this challenge by creating or re-purposing content into different forms of media.
- Recently, updated a 35 year old training guide into an online platform with videos, reflection guides, and readings without losing any of the knowledge that was in the original training curriculum.
Creating an Integrated Vision and Plan for an Online and Social Presence on the Web
Ministry organizations have no choice but to be part of the evolving social web, seeing it as an opportunity for ministry. Navigating this new media requires both time and special skills. It is not enough to just have a website or Facebook page. Websites need ongoing development with updated content with a clear purpose and strategy that does not just link social media but is part of an integrated communication strategy. Social media requires ministry leaders to gain new skills that help to maximize interaction and use by members on different platforms. Organizations that understand the relationship between websites and social media create an integrated strategy and plan that best communicates with and serves their members. With both technical expertise and ministry experience, MTS consultants can uniquely assist with the development and implementation of such an integrated plan through website development and social networking management, with a focus on using these resources for ministry in today’s church.
Integrating National Lay Ecclesial Ministry Standards into Formation and Certification Programs
MTS Consultants have been working with the national standards for lay ecclesial ministry since their inception. Additionally, they have helped numerous dioceses and national organizations design, implement, and evaluate their certification and formation efforts. We can help ministry formation programs and certification processes go to the next level of quality in meeting the needs of their ministry leaders.
Past and Present e-Learning/Formation Clients
- Broken Bay Institute, Broken Bay, Australia
- National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), Washington, DC
- National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (NACYML), Washington, DC
- Beginning Experience International, Austin, Texas
- Minnesota Catholic Education Association
- St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota
- United States Catholic Conference of Bishops
- Associated Benefits Consulting, Baton Rouge, LA
- SyncStream Solutions LLC, New Orleans, LA
- Catholic (Arch)Dioceses:
- Alexandria
- Los Angeles
- St. Petersburg
- Baton Rouge
- Youngstown
- Bridgeport
- Brooklyn
- Santa Rosa
- Wheeling-Charleston
- Charlotte
- Boise
- New Orleans
- the six dioceses from the State of Minnesota