Ministry Training Source has provided research solutions for clients since the year 2000. Dr. McCorquodale, our lead researcher has done research and analysis for large national studies such as the National Study of Youth and Religion and a Longitudinal Study of Youth Ministry Leaders, as well as more focused diocesan wide surveys. MTS has lead both quantitative and qualitative research using a variety of research methods including surveys, focus groups, interviews, program evaluation, and other methods while upholding high research standards and principles.
Past and Present Research Clients
- GoodFaith, Study of the Effectiveness of Summer Immersion Experiences in Transforming Parish Youth Ministry (2019-2023)
- National Dialogue on Pastoral Ministry with Youth and Young Adults Research Sponsored by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (2017-2019)
- Diocese of Charlotte Research Study Assessing the Religious Practices and Perceptions of Catholic Youth (2015, 2018, 2022)
- Diocese of Dallas, The Results of the Convocation on Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries and Vocational Discernment (2018)
- Study of Diocesan Youth Ministry Directors (2005, 2010, 2015) sponsored by National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry
- Study of Catholic youth attending National Catholic Youth Conference (2012) focusing on “Factors Influencing the Faith Development of Religiously Active Catholic Youth” sponsored by the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministry
- Analysis of Catholic Data from the National Study of Youth and Religion (2002 and 2008) sponsored by the Partnership for Adolescent Catechesis as part of the National Initiative for Adolescent Catechesis
- Program evaluation research for the Dioceses of Buffalo, NY and Wilmington, DE (2010, 2012 respectively)
- Study of Catholic Lay Ecclesial Youth Ministry Leaders (2001, 2008, & 2016) sponsored by Ministry Training Source